
Monster girl quest paradox save the harpies
Monster girl quest paradox save the harpies

  • How Do I Shot Web?: After the first time she uses her silver eyes, Ruby is unable to do so again despite her efforts.
  • monster girl quest paradox save the harpies

    This is carried over from the source material, in which they're Mutually Exclusive Party Members. Even then, they still get into arguments. Headbutting Heroes: Alice and Ilias refuse to be in the same group together, except when investigating the Tartarus.Alice, in turn, hates Ilias and her angels.Ilias hates monsters, though she's forced to be more accepting of them due to her current weakened state.Emergency Transformation: King Peter became a cyborg to save his life after barely surviving an assassination attempt.Eldritch Location: The Tartarus, being tunnels through space-time between different worlds with bizarre geography and patrolled by the grotesque and hostile Apoptosis.For example, the reader knows that Pyrrha is alive from the sections written from her perspective, but other characters believe her to be dead. Dramatic Irony: The use of multiple perspectives has this effect.This forces them both to find new allies. Drama-Preserving Handicap: Both Alice and Ilias have lost most of their power and their previous subordinates, and have been shrunken into the forms of little girls.Cinder becomes a yoma, Ruby becomes a cyborg, and Pyrrha becomes a dragonkin. Later on, Cinder, Ruby, and Pyrrha become monster girls.The most prominent monsters are Alice (outwardly a Lamia, though her exact biology is more complicated) and Lime (a Slime Girl). Cute Monster Girl: It is a Monster Girl Quest crossover, after all.

    monster girl quest paradox save the harpies

    Combat Medic: Sonya can both heal her allies and club her enemies (using the same staff for both, in fact).It's not about Luka being a idiot pacifist do-gooder seeking coexistence, that's what he STARTS as, and at the end he's commanding the Knights to fight him, slaughtering angels left and right and literally forcing people to adhere to his ideals or else. Not once is it mentioned that Luka's dream is the "correct way", he himself mentions that Lazarus may be right and Lucia does the same for Promestein's ideals at the ending. Ilias's identity as a "god" is what leads her to fear of losing her purpose in life and leads her to her genocide.

    monster girl quest paradox save the harpies

    Alice's identity as the "monster lord" is what led her to want to sacrifice herself for peace, and to seek penance for destroying the previous monster lord's dream.

    monster girl quest paradox save the harpies

    Most of the game's main theme is "identity" - Luka's identity as a "hero" is what makes him blindly follow his ideals as a religious pacifist seeking coexistence, and that leads him to a near suicidal bravado that's the same thing that led Heinrich to his death. Not him, but even in broad terms, MGQ isn't 95% about blind coexistence and humanizing monsters.

    Monster girl quest paradox save the harpies