ScpToolkit worked on Windows Vista, 7 and 8 but needs the Xbox 360 Controller driver to be installed and evidently, Windows 8.x or 10, which has the driver already included. The interface is pretty straight-forward and while, as we said, there are some customizations to be made, most users will just use it without touching its settings. This makes ScpToolkit one of the best Windows DualShock controller compatible apps on the market. The application is very easy to use, sporting an array of settings that can satisfy both beginner and experienced users. What this basically means for the average user is that ScpToolkit is a free Windows driver that lets you use your Sony Dualshock controllers in Windows, with little to no limitation. ScpToolkit is a DualShock 3 and DualShock 4 Windows driver and an XInput Wrapper. That being said, it would be nice to have the option of using my DS4 when my Sixaxis eventually gives up.A Windows driver for Sony DualShock 3/4 Controllers Personally I actually prefer using my Sixaxis anyway, the DS4 buttons are very.clicky or something.

”I've been using SCP Server for a couple years (with my trusty ol' Sixaxis) and it didn't alleviate the problem at all when I used a DS4. But my PS4 Controller is old and battered now and consistently disconnects due to a faulty USB connection point, so I switched over to a spare PS3 Controller. This seemed to stop the game's frame rate from degrading. I was able to fix the problem by installing something called the ScpServer. But it drops faster than it did initially. Plugging the DS4 back into the PC will begin the degradation process all over again. Pulling out the USB cable to disconnect the controller immediately bumps the frame rate back up to whatever your PC can handle. In DCUO, the frame rate degrades over time to the point where you can end up with 10 or less frames per second. I successfully played and completed Batman: Arkham Asylum using my DS4 controller without a single issue and without adding any 3rd party software. When you plug the DS4 controller into your PC, it works fine.