I was hopeful that this limitation I discovered in the beta release was a factor of Canon engineering not having enough time to have the EOS Webcam Utility understand the capabilities of newer cameras that have USB 3.0 or higher connections. Safe meaning that anything higher over USB 2.0 could result in dropped frames. I did the math based on the bandwidth offered by USB 2.0, and 576p is the “safe” uncompressed resolution to use over that connection. I first discovered that the streaming resolution was limited to 576p when I tested the beta release of the EOS Webcam Utility. That is the slow USB 2.0 connection built into the majority of Canon cameras. I think Canon wanted to offer the broadest support possible for their cameras (40 with the full release) and built their EOS Webcam Utility to the lowest technical capabilities. Absent something official from Canon, I have an educated guess as to why this might be. I haven’t found anything from Canon directly stating the limitation nor explaining why it is in my testing I have only seen a 576p stream even though my cameras support 1080p.

My Canon Camera Records 1080p, Why is the Stream Resolution Limited to 576p? It is constrained to about 1/4 full HD sending a stream with a resolution of 576p (1024×576). The first full release (non-beta) of the Canon EOS Webcam Utility doesn’t send full HD 1080p video resolution to a stream.

I was so glad to see my cameras (Canon 80D and Canon 7DM2) on the list of supported cameras, but when I tested the software I was disappointed about the resolution. Like the rest of the photographers who shoot Canon, I was extremely excited when Canon announced a beta version of their Canon EOS Webcam Utility part way through 2020.